
The media are extremely powerful in setting, forming and changing people's ideas and opinions, and most often they use it in terms of propaganda. Television may seem to portray the everyday world. In fact it does not. The news and current affairs are as true as advertisements, dramas and other entertainment programs. It has political implications. Politics has to do with the broad structures of power, and not just the narrow world of voting and elections.

The media affects in terms of the cumulative effect of news coverage upon the gatekeeper's understanding of which issues are important. The agenda setting thesis may not be successful in telling people what to think, but it is stunningly successful in telling its readers what to think about. This would then allow little gap for individual thinking, leading towards issues such as stereotyping, generalizing and miss leading information. Thus the media is not always a true representation of what is really happening in the world but just a foggy image that is captured on a camera lens or on paper.

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