August 1, 2004
Bob Dylan often baffles people. An unseeming living legend supposedly representing the 60's anti establishmentarianism, the hippy generation, and the anti-Viet-Nam war protestors of his time. And often the lyrics of his songs sung with that unique voice of his, seem altogether out of place. And because you never knew, you wonder, “What makes this guy so special?”
This happened to me while watching the Democratic convention last week and the ongoing political drama leading up to this Fall's elections. That combined with a happenchance online search result that landed this particular song from 1965.
Whether it be a clear message for Bush/Cheney, or a sage recommendation for the Iraq war, or a warning for Kerry/Edwards to heed, every so often, Dylan's brilliance and the timeless nature of his words flickers on and shines onto your conciousness, and you suddenly get it. Ah! So he is one of those true poets afterall!
by Bob Dylan
And it's all over now, Baby Blue.
The Iranian Letters Section
the writer Behrouz Bahmani
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