
The album “Majar” was sent to me by Dr. Khonji. I loved the cover because of the artistic design. However, once I listened to the album, I was really impressed with the beautiful music and the selection of songs.

The collaboration is in perfect harmony and Konji's voice is heart warming. Overall this is a great Persian folk album with a fresh approach and modern edge. I am truly honored that Dr. Khonji and this group of talented artists have furnished the CD.

— Dr. Khonji – lead vocal, nay
— Aliz Bogárdi – violin, vocals
— András Molnár – keyboards, vocal, setar, percussion
— Bulcsú Babarci – guitar, udu, additional sequences
— Kornél Kerekes – double bass, fretless bass, jaw's harp
— Balázs Kerekes – doumbek, bongo
— Zoltán “Csülök” Tóth – drums
— Lyrics written by Dr. Khonji
— Music compoused by Dr. Khonji except “Daybalal” (trad.)

Tracks arranged by Golestan
Recorded at Tevesound studio Pécs, Hungary, 2002
Sound Engineer: Péter “Teve” Sándor

Photos. Dr Khonji
Cover design: Bulcsú Babarciii
Our web site is

Golestan is a Southern-Hungary-based world music group of Hungarian folk and rock musicians led by Dr. Khonji, a Persian living in Pécs, Baranya. We perform our songs in Achom, a South-Iranian language of the Khonj community. Our musical arrangements are of a hybrid style including Persian nomadic, Hungarian, Gypsy and other popular elements.

* Track 1
* Track 2
* Track 3
* Track 4
* Track 5
* Track 6
* Track 7
* Track 8
* Track 9
* Track 10
* Track 11
* Track 12

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