The list of Iranian lawyers who are either in jail, waiting to be jailed or threatened with being jailed is getting longer and longer. It seems the officials in IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic, have had it with independent human rights defense attorneys.
The news coming out of Tabriz is, the Islamist Rapist officials have been busy threatening local lawyers to not take cases or else. It seems the ones IRR deems undesirable, do not deserve representation.
Defense attorneys have been put on notice to stop representing clients. And in at least two cases, defense attorneys Messrs Naghi Mahmoudi and Abbas Jamali, have been told point blank to resign from defending those arrested for political reasons.
It is understandable that the general public in the free world not reacting to this travesty of justice. After all, till it begins to threaten their own life, it’s no skin off their nose. But the silence of Bar Associations in the sane world in not coming to the defense of their colleagues is truly despicable.
No one has said it better than Martin Luther King. In his letter from Birmingham jail he says: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”
The Achilles heel of the nuke acquiring, “management of the world” intending Islamist Rapists is their barbaric treatment of Iranians, the sooner that issue becomes the focal point, the sooner the demise of IRR.