
Destiny unfolds

For centuries now, Islam as an ideology has gone more or less unchallenged in Iran. Or rather, put in other words, it has not faced

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Good boy

This November will be 27 years since I left Iran. Twenty of those years were spent without getting a chance to go home. There was

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Not that bad

The prevailing spin on Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's rise to Iran's presidency wrongly suggests that a win for his rivals could have ushered a dawn of enlightenment.

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Blood-less coup

In the recent presidential elections in Iran, Mahmood Ahmadinejad, an unknown conservative military commander, won. His victory was surprising, as many had predicted Hashemi Rafsanjani

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Record company rats

Recently, I have spent most nights chronically unable to sleep. Lying there awake I analyze the situation I have found myself in but never quite

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Damaged goods

Circumcision for both sexes, along with female infanticide, was old tribal traditions practiced by the primitive patriarchal pagans in Arabian. Islam adopted the circumcision and

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