Reason on the attack
Islam is not only a religion, but in actuality is a social order, a strict, disciplinary social order guiding and controlling all actions, behaviours, and
Islam is not only a religion, but in actuality is a social order, a strict, disciplinary social order guiding and controlling all actions, behaviours, and
Serious thoughts must have gone into the selection of a Persian word that has enough power to unload a ton of weight on one’s heart.
To be able to stand in the public square for any extended period of time and express oneself requires that one be poust-koloft (thick-skinned) and
In recent months the number of Toyota Prius hybrid cars in my Albany/Berkeley neighborhood in the San Francisco East Bay has skyrocketed. They're everywhere, suddenly.
For me (and probably for most other people in the “West”), Iraq is distant and inaccessible enough to qualify as a “never-never-land”: a kind of