An unfinished affair

“I can not afford a confrontation. My reputation has already been ruined by the last time we went public. Can you not just leave him?”

“No I can not leave him.”

“He doesn’t even love you. Look at you now, he’s stifled you, you are covered up. It’s like he’s ashamed of you. I remember when you were proud and not ashamed to show your beauty”

“Did you say this to the other women too? Did you try and flatter them into doing what you want?”

“I need you to trust me. I know you want change; I know you want to escape him. He doesn’t love you… come to me.”

“No, he loves me. He just doesn’t want me to get hurt any more… or… Leave him again. If you want me, you have to come and get me.”

“I will be there waiting, the minute you leave. Please stand up for yourself.”

“Stand up for myself? I tried it once and you know what happened. I can’t afford to risk losing any more of my children. If you want me… come and get me.”

“I can’t. It will take too long. It will be too public. Everyone will be against me, they’ll call me a bully again and I’ll have no friends left. I can’t afford that again.”

“I thought you loved me? If you love me, is it not worth it?”

“It is… but, right now I can not… maybe in a few years when my reputation is better. If you want us to be together now, you will have to leave him first.”

“I told you I am not willing to suffer the pain again  and risk any more losses to my family. No one supported me last time. They all said they would, but they sided with him.”

“I promise this time I will help you. If you leave him, I’ll feed you, I’ll look after you, your whole family, everyone. I just need you to make the first move.”

“I… just can not do that.”

“Darling, please. I promise I won’t let you down.”

“I’m sorry I am not so old, that I have forgotten the past. Hopefully my children won’t make the mistakes I did.”

“No. Please. Don’t do this.”

“Good bye Old man.” 

Said the Old Persian lady to the young American man.

“Very well young lady, good bye… remember that I love you.” 

Replied the Young American Man.


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