If you touch it

if you touch it

you’ll break it


if you look too long

it will crumble

my lie

and if you take it

my dear, you must know

you will never have it

…………………………………….. my …

i don’t want love

i don’t need your promises

your touch

your looks

your memories





I lied.

You looked long enough to break it

My bluff

You stayed through enough to touch it

My face

You held me close enough to feel it


And for this and for you and for us

I am forever

And for once

A part of something bigger

And truer

And warmer

And safer

And mine. Not yours, not ours. MINE.

Because, this time: there is a me

A me I had written off as gone





But, she is here

I am.

I know, because I felt her breathing

Late last night still warm from your touch

And so I know, she must be real

And I am

And you are

And so, there can be an us

That I can touch and look at and make memories with

And for this

And for you

And for us

And for me

I am forever

…………………..Grateful…………………..at peace


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