Thirst for perfection

We bump along the edges of one another and begin to unwind into the thirsty children we once were.

What a dream to be as weightless as the free air on the huge impressions within worldly canyons,

…………………………. that is my happiest day with you.

Yet I have closed my eyes

From the unapproachable jungle outside

Marching towards your love.

And have still firmly laid dangerous slabs of insanity on my own world, my own dreams and have forgotten

The fragrance of the eventual truth outside of us.

“A little less here and more there,”

That’s what we say when there are steps to seek in the dark between us,

And I still would never dare let you go at it all alone,

As I have laughed and given us both so many reasons to leave,

That my youth has sharply left me like the hungry tadpole.

So what shall I request to unhinge myself from this mindless

Our obsolete thirst for perfection?

I ask for your allness. Your darkness too, and anything that we can speak of that I am willing to dislodge from my own secret world.

I can be foolish to ask

And I might as well be on another earth,

Far greener than this when I ask for a pleasant conclusion.

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