Instructions for data collection and some definitions: · Pragmatic variation example would be having a variety of ways of saying the same thing such as ordering at Starbucks: 1. May I have …2. Can I have …3. I’ll have … My students often tell me that they have greeted some instructors or native speakers in Los Angeles, San Francisco, or San Jose, in various settings and they could not understand the responses to greetings people give. I explained that what they learn in the classroom is only the classic response and depending on the mood of the person in different setting they might hear something else and try to give them various contextually suitable responses. I thought it would be worth recording various responses that a native speaker of Persian/Farsi (PF) might give for this project. Depending on how one greets in the target language, s/he would receive a deferent response:
Categories English equivalent Greeting in Farsi Classic formal PF How do you do? How are you?
- hale sarkar (jenabeali) chetore?
-Be lotfe sarkar (jenabeali) khobam.
- Hale shoma chetore?
-Khobam, merci. Classic informal PF Are you OK?
- Khobid?
merci, khobam.
- Shad bashid.
-Shomam hamintor. Colloquial formal PF How is it going? · Hame chi khobe?-Khodaro shokr, bale.-Ey bad nist.-Bastegi dare. Colloquial informal PF Howzet?
- Chetori?
Humorous PF · chetori?-Mesle polo to dori. Negative PF
- ziad khob be nazar nemiresi!
-In folan folan shodeha halemoono gereftan
- chi shodeh kashtit ghargh shode?
-Are baba, vaz kharabeh
Thanks for your participation: Please email me directly or add your response here.