TEHRAN — To president of Radio Farda, Jeffrey Gedmin: Below please find my response to your opinion piece, , in The Washington Post:
Oh come on! You make it out to seem as if Radio Farda is this enlightened beacon that will save Iran and bring about freedom, democracy, and peace to Iran if only it could operate freely.
The truth is your programming is mostly silly irrelevant pop songs with the occasional filler of watered down news that has little substance and reaches us here with a scratchy signal that makes it hard to listen to.
When have you reported about the neoconservative warmongers that have had Iran as a target since September 11, 2001? When have you reported about Cheney’s behind the scenes plotting to attack Iran? When have you given Iranians an in-depth reporting of the war crimes being committed only a few miles from our borders?
I could go on as the list is very long. You are primarily a mouthpiece for the American government and are not free to report the real truth. You are also part of the demonizing of Iran that is going on so that when Iran is attacked it will be supported by the all important “public opinion” in America.
Report the truth from both sides. Tell us about the war criminals in the White House if you really are a real radio station. But you are not. You are a fake radio station being paid to tow the line. And when Iran is attacked you will have blood on your hands because you will have played a part in demonizing Iran.
I’m happy your reported has been freed, but please save us from your sermonizing because you are not playing any part in preventing war between Iran and America but instead are putting Iran in danger. We in Iran would be better off if you stopped broadcasting to us.