SF Beta Birthday Bash Tuesday Sep 25th

Just a quick announcement about the SF Beta Birthday Bash on Tuesday Sep 25th. This is a great networking event for all up and coming internet entrepreneurs. If you have a start-up or thinking of founding one, you might want to drop by to mingle, network and more. There are still a few tickets left, I am told (free for founders)


I believe there are too few Iranians at the founding level of start-ups. We are at a unique time and place and should take advantage of it at best we can. My hope is to see increased involvement by Iranians as dot.com entrepreneurs and to see a stronger support network to help entrepreneurs succeed.

The very least I like to see a stronger participation by Iranians in such events. At the Techcrunch party at Menlo Park over a month ago, I counted only THREE other Iranians among the 900+ attendees. That’s only a fraction of one percent.

I hope to see more of you tomorrow.


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