Not even a Rain Check

“If Iran was a free and democratic society that allowed its people freedom of expression, and wasn’t pursuing nuclear weapons, and wasn’t advocating to destroy the country of Israel, the president might consider that invitation.”

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Iranians are supposed to be good at chess. So what happened here. What benefit is there for inviting GWB? All I can think of, is that no real Iranian was behind such a stupid gesture.

So well done to the US for not stooping so low to the Seyyeds. The Seyyeds are so desperate, they are inviting any world celebrity. Well they have got to get their act together, as the spokesman said, before anyone of any stature turn up to see a Seyyed.

Remember how the 2500 year celebrations invited the whole world, and the whole world did turn up, including the Seyyeds. That’s the Iran that we want. An Iran whose roots stem from Human Rights.

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