Dear Mr. Javid Although the new format of the is very vibrant however it has made the site vulnerable to malicious comments by some to the extent of vulgarities which has made susceptible to to verbal vandalism and verbal assaults . The obvious problem is unaccountability of those who post comments which has turned the site to an arena for verbal vandalism of few who create multiple id’s without any TRUE email reference (unverified). The solution is rather simple. If anyone chose to leave a comment , THE FIRST TIME, should post a valid email address or the comment would not be posted (verified). This process can be automated by sending a verification email to the person that must be responded before an ID is created and the comment is posted. This verifies the person and email address who later can post comments and blogs after signing in with ID and password this is no longer necessary. All these would be automated. In summary ONLY VERIFIED ACCOUNTS CAN POST. This is common process with many major blog providers and bulletin boards. Although this does not stop cyber vandalism totally but it will limit the ID’s that one person uses to the number of emails that s/he has or creates, therefore makes the process more difficult than current system for vandalism. Presently one person can create as many ID’s that s/he desires with false unverified email addresses and vandalize the site . With this simple automated method the email addresses and privacy of people are still maintained and not violated.