Embrace Me As You Did “Shams”

O’ Mollana, Begging Upon Your Feet ..
Mesmerized By The Presence of Your Spirit ..

Bereft of All Evil, Embracing You In Love ..
With The Spirit Rising, Torrents Rush For Company ..

The Blessing of Your “Breath”, Meandering My Existence ..
The “Casualness” of Your Stare, Awash in Tranquility ..

The “Great” Mollana, Accept This Child As A “Student” ..
Although “Insignificant”, His “Spirit” Is “Willing” ..

As “Shams” Was, So Would I Want To Be ..
In Your Presence, My Spirit “Humbled” ..

As A Child Is To His Mother ..
My Breath, Shaking with “Want” ..

Fill Me With Your “Wisdom”, Alas With “Dignity” ..
Forgive My “Ignorance”, As I Am Just “Learning ..

Though You are Gone For Over 800 Years ..
The Sweetness of Your “Spirit” Quenches My “Thirst” ..

O’ Mollana, O’ Mollana ..
Embrace Me As You Did “Shams” ….

With The “Sweetness” Of Your “Spirit” Flowing ..
I Want Not The Heavens, But The “Paradise” of Your “Presence” ..

Peace Be Upon “You” ..

Copyright ©2007 Shae’r



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