“Go” Forth “Brave” Man and “Defend” Your “Country”

From The “Hue” of The “Morning” ..
Ashore Asunder ..

“Beautiful” As The “Evening” ..
“Myriads” of “Motion” ..

“Jehovah’s” Children “Abreast” ..
“Motivated” by “Naught” ..
“Camouflaged” In “Gesture” ..
Catapulted To “Fame” ..

My “Man” ..
Seek “Wisdom” ..
“Merge” With “Righteousness” ..
“Behooved” To “Action” ..

As Though You Were But “One” ..
“Never” Forgetting ..
The “Maturity” of The “Moment” ..

“Clad” Yourself In “Bravery” ..
“Unbeknownst” To “All” ..
Never “Ending” ..
“Fighting” As “One” ..

Let Your “Manhood” Come “Forth” ..
Not “Ashamed” Of “Glory” ..
“Defending” Your “Country” ..
“From” Fires of “Evil” ..

“God” Has “Blessed” You ..
Your “Mother” Has “Nurtured” You ..
Your “People” Have “Applauded” You ..
The “World” Is “Waiting” ..

“Your” Spirit “Rising” ..
“Tears” Flowing “Down” ..
“Manhood” At “Stake” ..
“Go” Forth “Brave” Man

“May” Your “Steps” Be “Followed” ..
With The “Glory” That It “Deserves” ..
Your “Heart” Beating ..
To “Defend” Your “Country” ..

Be “Firm” ..
“Resolved” ..
With “Pride” ..
“Unashamed” ..

Your “Mother” Applauds “You” ..
Your “Sister” Looks Up To “You” ..
Your “Country” Admires “You” ..
Your “Civilization” Beckons ..

We “Love” you ..
We “Arm” You With “Righteousness” ..
“Never” Doubting ..
“That” You “Will” Come “Through” ..

We Thank You ..
“Greatly” Indebted ..
“Never” Forgetting ..
“Your” Sacrifice ..

O’ Lord “save” Him ..
“Protect” him From “Harm” ..
“Strengthen” His “Heart” ..
“Never” Doubting His ‘Resolve” ..

My “Son” Go “Forth” ..
Remember That “Every” Step That You “Take” ..
Was “Taken” Before ..
By “Great” Men ..

“Tears” Flowing Down ..

Copyright ©2007 Shae’r

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