How About a One State Solution to the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict?

Instaed of focusing on a two state solution, which I believe will bring no change, I propose something different, a one state solution.

First, let me go into what I mean by a one state solution. I want the creation of a new nation, neither called Israel nor Palestine, where the Jews, Christians, and Muslims can live together as equals in a democratic society. I know this might seem ridiculous. Some of you may say “Well neither side wants that, both sides want their own country” or “The Jews want their own state, the Muslims out number then and in a democracy the Jews will be the minority” etc…

All may be good point, but there is an answer to each one. Yes, both want their own country, and they will, it’d just not be a segregated one. Also, maybe a Lebanese system, although not fully democratic, could work in this new nation, that way, each group will be garunteed a say in what goes on in the government.

Before I go further, let me give you the reasons why a two state solution will not work:

*The area we are talking about is simply two small to be split up into two nations. Remember, we are talking about millions of people.

*There will be disputes over the few natural resources in the area.

*There will be travel disputes (such as going from Gaza to the West Bank)

*Israel will still militarily control a new Palestinian state, dictating travel, trade, controlling borders, etc…

*There are thousands of Jews in the West Bank which are not willing to leave, Israel will surely want to annex these regions or atleast control these enclaves, as they are highly valuable, both economically and strategically.

*In effect, many of the same problems will result which ended the first two state peace deal a decade ago. A Palestinian state will only be a state by name, but in reality, it will still be Israeli controlled, much like today.


A two state solution will not solve anything. Its simply sweeping the dirt under the rug. Its merely giving the impression of peace and a Palestinian state, when in reality, almost nothing will change.


The only real solution, the only real peace, will be a one state solution, with people learning to live alongside each other. Historically, the land has always been either Jewish, Christian, or Muslim, how about just for once we think of it has not just one faiths land, but everyones land?

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