URGENT: Mahin-Torabi may be executed this week

On Friday family of Ali Mahin-Torabi once again asked Stop Child Executions Campaign for help with the grim news that Ali may be executed this week. Nazanin Afshin-Jam Immediately talked to Ali’s attorney, Mohammad Mustafaei who had no such information and promised to review the file on the first Iranian working day (Saturday)

We also learned that after finding out about Ali’s internet blog, Iran’s prison officials searched Ali’s prison cell and found his mobile phone under the mattress. After beating Ali , he was taken to solitary confinement for few days without any visitation and communication rights with his family. On Sunday night mother of Ali Mahin-Torabi also told the SCE campaign coordinator that they have privately discovered that Ali’s appeal which was sent for superior court’s review was denied and subsequently sent to the department in charge of executions. This is despite that the official denial by the court authorities when Ali’s attorney inquired about Ali’s case on Saturday. However according to private sources who have seen Ali’s file, Ali Mahin-Torabi is already scheduled to be executed this Wednesday or Saturday.

According to direct order by Iran’s head of judiciary,Ayatollah Shahrudi all the child executions must be signed and approved by him (Estizan) and it seems like even if Ali’s appeal may have been denied, the execution probably has not been authorized by Ayatollah Sharudi yet. What seems to be troubling is that the Ali’s file should not have been sent to department of executions until after Shahrudi’s signature although Ali’s execution seem to have been scheduled already!.

Last week Makwan Moludzadeh was executed despite direct order from Ayatollah Shahrudi that his file requires further review. Also two months ago a man was stonned to death despite order by Shahrudi not to do so. What seems to be obvious is that the human life is of no value to leaders and judiciary of Islamic Regime because of their reluctance to make child executions illegal and their lack of care about Iran’s own legal due process when it comes to killing children. Iran’s regime in 2007 has been on a new record of killing spree of Iranian children (under 18) and young generation (20’s and 30’s) . Iran’s majority population is consisted of those under the age of 30, a generation who wants change and the mass public executions seem to be intended to create an atmosphere of fear among the Iranian youth.

Stop Child Executions Campaign has already notified Amnesty International and International Committee against executions about Ali’s possible execution this week and is in process of contacting others. At this point the only hope for Ali seem to be a direct order by Iran’s supreme leader (Ayatollah Khamenei) and head of judiciary of Islamic regime; Ayatollah Shahrudi. We also call on everyone to contact their parliament and government leaders as well as other organizations. Next week may be too late.

Leader of the Islamic Republic
Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei
The Office of the Supreme Leader
Islamic Republic Street –


Shahid Keshvar Doust Street

Islamic Republic of Iran
Email: info@leader.ir
Salutation: Your Excellency

Head of the Judiciary
Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi
Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Justice Building ,

Panzdah-Khordad Square

Islamic Republic of Iran
Email: info@dadgostary-tehran.ir (In the subject line write: FAO Ayatollah Shahroudi)
Salutation: Your Excellency


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