
Going in circles

Hilda Mossaferin was born in 1970 in Tehran and is currently living in California >>> 12 next › last »

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What is is a brand new website that serves as an online video library relating to Iranian Politics and Society, containing a wide

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Divestment from Iran

The employee fund will further consider divestment — probably focused on Iran — at its Feb. 26 meeting. .… . With the overwhemling majority

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Heading back home

I arrived in Berlin this afternoon from London. My flight to San Francisco via Amsterdam is at 6 in the morning, about 7 hours from

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لفط الله

عمه فاطمه پار سال، پس از کمی بیش از هشتاد سال زندگی بسیار معمولی، و در بی خبری کامل از بزرگی و متنوعی دنیا، و

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Who cares?

“I am angry!” I typed in a search bar and I found numerous articles, poems, and vignettes of writers around the world who have begun

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