Ratatouille Beats Persepolis at US Critics Choice Awards ;0(

It’s not fair to the Winner, But honestly I wish Some US critics would take the Shit out of their Eyes. I am not very hopeful on the Chances of Persepolis at the US Oscars when I see how blind and indifferent they can be in ousting a courageous and artistically accomplished film like Persepolis but prefer to Award a cute but meaningless film like Ratatouille. OK Blame me for my lack of objectivity or some patriotic upheaval ( French and Iranian) that may be blinding me for a moment. But this is not the first time that American critics fail to see straight when it comes to seeing films other than just sheer entertainment. When one thinks that Charlie Chaplin’s Great Dictator was nominated 5 times and left empty handed at the Oscars of 1940, or that Modern Times was not even nominated at the Oscars in 1936 It makes me gulp!

Also it is no secret that Political considerations do sometimes interfere in the ultimate choice made by some critics. One can remember how Gerard Depardieu’s excellent performance in Rappeneau’s Cyrano de Bergerac became subject to a very hot debate not on his performance but on his controversial past: . This was based on an alleged interview that the actor had given to a French Tabloid and when drunk. In addition the story ( True or False ? ) when the French and American governments were at odd’s over military intervention in Kuwait during the First Gulf War in 1990. Alas the American Press and film critics at large used this political oppurtunity to confuse issues and use the Oscar competition and Depardieu as scapegoat’s to international confrontation when by all accounts Depardieu truly deserved an Oscar for his breathtaking performance which had conquered both European and American viewers at large.

I don’t cliam that the Oscars truly make film history but they do help…

Apart from notable exceptions there have been milestones in the history of motion pictures needless to say that many films in the past 80 years have been awarded with the Golden Statue but have hardly lasted the test of Time both in content and significance to Film as an Artform.

Sure who would Spit on an Oscar ? No one and I would even say that every star and film director would even hypocritically claim the opposite if good luck would turn in their favor.

But there is something frightening to see that film critics cannot acknowledge the importance of some films that seem to ring true to our Times and maybe even beyond. I don’t want to uphold Persepolis as “The Greatest Film of Our Times. ” Its a Very Good Film and in its genre a Masterpiece but that can be overdone as in the case of any film in future years by another animated movie in terms of Artwork and emotional captivation. Nevertheless why should we fail to see the oppurtunity that some films offer in understanding crucial issues relevant to our times on so many different levels be it internationally, politically, socially and culturally. Who can claim that Persepolis doesn’t in its own way helps answer some questions in regard to the World after 9/11, or to even universal themes like immigration, racism, religious and political gaps between East and West ?

Is it not after all the role of Art to acknowledge what needs to be acknowledged as Universal. For Heaven’s Sake What is Universal about a French Mouse who knows how to cook ? Sure its a wonderful entertainment in the lines of the Aristocats or other Family oriented Disney Animations that will make you spend a very good time and bring sweet dreams to one’s kids. But Is that supposed to be of any interest to mankind.

Even Americans could benefit from a wiser choice in understanding what they often refuse to understand in the name of “Happiness” and the Right to Happiness that they have inscribed in their Constitution as much as the Right to carry Guns in self defense.

This shortsightedness is all the more frustrating that America see’s itself as a Beacon of Hope and Democracy for the whole World. 9/11 doesn’t seem to wake them up or Alert them on the necessity if not for change at most in acknowledging that they are not alone on this planet nor in their sufferings.

I Love Hollywood Films and I think unlike what most French claim that Americans actually invented Cinema not because the debateable chronology as to who Edison or The Lumiere Bros first discovered the technology of moving pictures, but because I think that the Americans understood that films unlike all other Artforms depended on both commercial and artsitic skills in order to exist. But It does sound awfully depressing and “Déja Vu” to see how the Film community can’t see the obvious and genuine step made towards a better understanding of the World at Large.

I give you credit that I am NOT AT ALL Objective, I would even add I am particularly angry and furstrated by the selection and results as far as the animated category and foreign film selections are concerned. Persepolis deserves running in at least two categories, that of Best animation ( seems the most obvious choice but not selected in this category at the Golden Globes and not confirmed either by the Oscar nominations Yet) and Best foreign Film ( is I think a treat but less obvious and certainly unequal choice given that its an animation amongst non animated films), but then again who is when it comes to expressing one’s love or admiration for a work of Art.

They are all equal in the right to run for an Award but I wish and hope that some honesty and openmindedness not to say Originality would reflect in the selection and ultimate Choice of such prestigious competitions.

I don’t have any particular judgment on the choices in other categories except that I think that Julie Christie seems to be a fair choice and can also draw attention on a terribly afflicting disease which is Alzheimers and can encourage public alertness and encourage help for medical research in the field. As for Clooney’s nomination as Best actor for his performance in Michael Clayton, it looks more like a private Ocean 13th Joke which I have still not understood its significance. Please Help me if you figure that out.

Nevertheless Congrats to the Winners and …


Nominations for 2008 Best Animated Feature included:

Bee Movie
The Simpsons Movie
See Other Nominations

– Picture: “No Country for Old Men”

– Actor: Daniel Day-Lewis, “There Will Be Blood”

– Actress: Julie Christie, “Away From Her”

– Supporting actor: Javier Bardem, “No Country for Old Men”

– Supporting actress: Amy Ryan, “Gone Baby Gone”

– Acting ensemble: “Hairspray”

– Director: Joel Coen and Ethan Coen, “No Country for Old Men”

– Writer: Diablo Cody, “Juno”

– Animated feature: “Ratatouille”

– Young actor: Ahmad Khan Mahmoodzada, “The Kite Runner”

– Young actress: Nikki Blonsky, “Hairspray” – Comedy movie: “Juno”

– Family film (live action): “Enchanted”

– Picture made for television: “Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee”

– Foreign language film: “The Diving Bell and the Butterfly”

– Song: “Falling Slowly,” Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova, “Once”

– Composer: Jonny Greenwood, “There Will Be Blood”

– Documentary feature: “Sicko”

– Joel Siegel award: Don Cheadle

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