Bobby Fischer is dead

I know this is nostalgic crap but when I grew up he was one of the heroes of the time. It is like losing a bit of yourself or reminding you of a part of your life that you know will never come back.

Asked who was the greatest player in the world, he once replied:

”It’s nice to be modest, but it would be stupid if I did not tell the truth. It is Fischer.

He was U.S. junior champion at 13 and U.S. Open champion at 14, retaining the title whenever he chose to defend it. He became an international grandmaster at 15, gaining the rating at his first international tournament in Yugoslavia. He once defeated 21 grandmasters in succession — no U.S. player had beaten more than seven in a row.

I’ll leave you with Spassky’s reaction. Asked by Reuters for his reaction, he replied: ”It’s bad luck for you. Bobby Fischer is dead,” then hung up without further comment.

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