The Passion of Rumi: Vocals: Shahram Nazeri. Composed: Hafez Nazeri. Barbat: Mohammad Firouzi. Kamancheh Alto: Shervin Mohajer. Daf: Siavash Nazeri. Tombak and Damam: Pejham Akhavas. Setar: Hafez Nazeri. Produced by QuarterTone productions, 2007. Kereshmeh Records
There is such relief in reviewing a piece of music by Hafez and Shahram Nazeri, mostly because nobody who likes Shahram Nazeri will abstain from buying his latest work, even if I give it a bad review! My review is not a technical one, as I am barely qualified to be a good connoisseur of good Iranian music. I am a listener. The one for whom music is written (sometimes) and produced (always). As listeners, some music we hear with our ears, and some music we hear with our hearts. This man’s voice, and his young musician son’s composition, is something I listened to with my heart. [Listen to samples]
Before I jump in and tell you all about what my heart heard, I should like to say a few words about Shahram Nazeri’s career-long effort to deliver the traditional Iranian music somewhat differently from other masters. Nazeri believes that a composition’s vocals can serve as another instrument played in the creation. The nuances (tahrir) used in a singer’s voice, without singing actual words, therefore, can become another piece of the orchestra, more profoundly than is normally delivered by other vocalists.
Almost all his musical creations of recent years have shown his experimentation with and mastery of this concept. Many traditionalists disagree and frown upon this innovation. Use of intense emotions in delivery of the high notes of his works, criticized by some, however, delivers Shahram Nazeri’s brand of sweet and exciting Persian music, setting him in a class entirely his own. This album shows Shahram Nazeri in continuation of that concept.
Hafez Nazeri, Mr. Nazeri’s son, an emerging musical talent in his own right, has composed this piece with heart and soul, aware of and grounded in traditional Iranian music, with a playful look into the realm of fusion music, using new orchestration and form. Naturally, his collaboration with his father as the album vocalist is an important asset to the composition.
But we mustn’t underestimate the depth and beauty the other musicians bring to the work. Shervin Mohajer’s Kamancheh Alto is played so sweetly and masterfully. Mr. Mohajer who studied the Kamancheh with Ardeshir Kamkar is one of the most promising young Kamancheh players in Iran today. Mohammad Firouzi contributes a truly charming and soulful Barbat to the work, also displaying mastery of his instrument. The percussionists, Pejham Akhavas on Tombak and Damam and Siavash nazeri on Daf also bring excellent tempo, flavor, and excitement to the collection.
The music starts slow and sweet (Mystic), with Shervin Mohajer’s Kamancheh Alto and Mohammad Firouzi’s Barbat, soon joined by Shahram Nazeri’s soulful voice, starting low and slow, and building up through the rest of the collection, delivering Molana’s beautiful poems with passion and at times gusto (Enchanted I).
Hafez Nazeri is an excellent setar player in his own right. In the piece, Journey to Eternity, he delights and surprises his audience with an innovative approach to Radif-e Nava, occasionally startling us with the combination of melodies which venture into western, but which ultimately returns to their Iranian root.
At the risk of sounding like a romantic fool, I would like to say that listening to this music from beginning to end (over and over again!), my heart heard a longing in the beginning of the collection, turning into a meeting, an introduction, a familiarization, a proclamation, leading to the passion at the end of the album, reaching the crescendo and climax of the music and ending there.
Hafez Nazeri delivers each of the nine pieces seamlessly, handing us over to the next part, and preparing us at each stage for that exciting finale. I loved listening to Passion of Rumi. This is a romantic piece of music in my opinion.[Listen to samples]
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