
مغز اتمی!

آیا با این جمله موافقید که: نسبت حجم مغز انسان به هستی مشابه است با نسبت حجم یک اتم به کره ی زمین؛ تقریبآ، نه

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We’re working on it

Dear friends, has moved to a new server and as a result there are a few technical issues which are being worked on. I

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What will Israel do?

Though the White House press release read “President Bush to travel to Middle East to follow up on progress made at Annapolis,” his January trip

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The Way

Why should I stay? why should I talk repeat? I have crossed this way I have smelt the love and want nothing more…   I

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Ron Paul in California debate

IRAQ: State of economy: Spending and taxes:   Leadership:  State rights:      

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