The Way

Why should I stay?

why should I talk repeat?

I have crossed this way

I have smelt the love

and want nothing more…


I have touched the mirage

pictures of fascinations in a land

lost in dreams of water and growing green

and have come back with dry sand pouring

from between my fingers

an empty heart

and a desire to close my eyes and walk endless

why should I stay?


and I shall take nothing

but all the little things that slept with my soul

for so long

so so long

The way was long and dark

I was a passenger

tired and sleepy

friendship was that little hut

within which the light

gave me the strength

to carry on

now I am awake

with no light insight

why? why should I stay?

The way is long

and darkness entwined with my eyes

why? why should I stay?

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Iranian Singles

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