Staying Faithful To One’s Mission – “Focus”

Flirting With Destiny, As I Were In Control ..
One By One, Not A Moment Too Soon ..

The Difficulties, All But Not Insurmountable ..
The Clarity Of Vision, All But Obvious ..

Never Losing sight, Of The Prize At Hand ..
Meandering through, Without Losing Focus ..

Although Obstacles Come And Go, Yet Mission is Obvious ..
Nevertheless, All Difficulties Bow Down ..

The Clarity Of Vision, All But Certain ..
The Determination of Action, All But Obvious ..

Come along My Friend, Let’s Endeavor ..
May We Move Forward, Not Slacking One Bit ..

As Though We Were One, Yet The Two ..
No Calamity In Sight, May Heavens Open Up ..

The Mountains Are High, Yet They Are small ..
The Vision Too Great, Yet Within Reach ..

O’ Lord God Almighty, Do Not Let Me ..
Lose Sight ..

Of This ..
“Vision” ..

Slowly But Surely ..
One Step Ahead, And Not Looking Back ..

With determination, And Steel Will ..
Not Abandoning, Yet Embracing ..

Knowing That The Road, Has Difficulties ..
Not Hesitating, Again Embracing All ..

I Know, That I Will Not Fail ..
I’ll Fail, Only If I Quit ..

O’ God, As I Have asked Before ..
Strengthen My Resolve ..

I Have No Fear, Yet I May Be Trembling ..
I Have No Enemy, Yet I May Be Concerned ..

All Human Emotions, Are But Justified ..
No Weakness too Small, Yet It Strengthens Me ..

Hold My Hand My Brother, Let’s Walk Together ..
No Problem too Large, No Destiny Too Small ..

With The Grace Of God, We Shall Overcome All Difficulties ..
With Our Feet For Certain, With Our Spirit Without Doubt ..

Encourage One Another, As You Encourage Yourself ..
The Sweetness Of Achievement, But A Short Step Off ..

Come My Friend ..
Walk ..

With ..
“Me” ..

Copyright ©2008 Shae’r

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