Foundation To Move Forward – “Stability”

Drip By drip, One By One ..
All Clouds, Having Been Removed ..

My Foundation, Now Clear and Established ..
All Doubts Removed, Moving Henceforth ..

Knowing Who I am, And who I Want To Be ..
My Drives All Focused, No waste Of Time ..

All efforts In Concert, No Energy Wasted ..
All Thoughts In Coherence, No Diversion allowed ..

As The Spring Turns To Summer, And Summer To Fall ..
I Plan All My Moves, One By One ..

The Joy Of Having A Clear Mind, And A Calm Center ..
The Epiphany Of Certitude, No Doubt In Sight ..

I Move Forward ..
Steadily ..

My Brother ..
Establish ..

“Your” ..
Center ..

Knowing Full Well ..
That “All” ..
Resides ..
“There” ..

Move ..
Out Of ..

The “Center” ..

Let Every Action, And Thought That You Have ..
Emanate ..

From ..
That Center ..

Slowly, But Surely ..
All Aspects ..

Of Your Life ..
Will ..

Become One ..
With ..

All “Powers” ..
In ..

The “Universe” ..

Copyright ©2008 Shae’r

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