Now taking shirini orders for Norooz 1387

Dear San Francisco Bay Area Friends!

Once again, it’s that time of year!

My mom is now taking orders. She will have your shirini ready for pick up the weekend prior to Eid (March 15-16 St Patrick’s weekend).

Here’s the list.

Nokhodchi- $12*
Baghlava- $14*
Keshmeshi- $10*
Ghorabieh- $14* (her specialty)
Berenji- $10*
Toot- $ 14*
Sohan e Assal- $14*
Nane Gata- $10*
Badoom Sookhteh- $14*
Hadji Badoom- $14 (BOX)

* Prices by the Pound (lb)

San Francisco Bay Area Only!
Thank you as always for all your support.

Faranak and Jaleh

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