The First Iranian-American U.S. President

Los Angeles, Wednesday Feb 4, 2024 – Google News Network

“In a surprising upset, Ali “Alex” Sabzevari, the current one term governor of California pulled ahead of the other Republican candidates to win most of the electoral delegates for California, New York, Ohio and New Jersey. Yesterday’s win all but locks the nomination for Sabzevari at the Republican convention later in September. Polls show Sabzevari ahead of his Democratic challenger by 11 point”.

Do you think a scenario like this, 16 years from now is possible? I say why the hell not. Us Iranians living in the U.S. just need to, unlike Iranians at home or other countries abroad, UNITE. Thats right. Enough of this me me me me me thing. First step is to admit we don’t know jack shit about most things in the world. Stop the nonsense of strong opinions on everything from economy, politics, history, religion, medicine and law just because we feel a certain way about a certain thing or issue.

Second thing, start having civil, objective dialogue with each other. You can even start here on God bless JJ, he has given us the right forum. Let use it.

Finally, lets develope a united long term vision for us here in the U.S. Lets face it, we are not going back to Iran and neither are our children. So lets make things here in the U.S. work for us.

Come out of the cocun of Iranian society. Start friendships with Americans and other races. Treat these non Iranian friends like a true Persian should; woo them with hospitality and kindness. This will take a good 10-12 year and perhaps longer.

Once we Iranians unite, our collective brain and economic power can and will go far. I guarantee you, an Iranian-American U.S. president will be the best antidote to the current filth that ruling Iran.

Thats my opinion. Whats yours?





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