
Revolutionary songs, 1978

Nostalgia: Here is some music from Confederation of Iranian Students in New York. While doing my annual winter house cleaning, I came across 2 old

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بازی 10

    بازی، قمار نیست: قایق کوچکی است که جزیره‌وار بر رودخانة آرام سُر می‌خورد. قمار، کشتی گران‌بهایی است که چوب‌پنبه‌وار تلاطم توفان را می‌جوید.

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Gulf Française

Ever since President Sarkozy took power in France, the French foreign policy has been undergoing a great deal of revival and revolution.  Sarkozy, who sees

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در پس واژه ها…

در نگاه ِ خسته ی غروبی دیگر، در شرق ِ خویش، از سمت ِ نادر ِ خود وارد می شوم (آ. ف) واژه هایی ساده،

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Neo-Con asset

Once again the neo-cons have given Reza Pahlavi a platform, but it is not clear who the intended audience is. The feigned altruistic appeal in

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Ganji is wrong

The mullahs’ strategy is simple. To retain power, they need an enemy. They thus seek to keep their country on a perpetual war footing by

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ادامه بازداشت و شکنجه جلیل غنیلو

اطلاعات اضافی در مورد شکنجه زندانیان وجدان آذربایجانی در ایران- ادامه بازداشت و شکنجه جلیل غنیلو افراد آزاد شده: اسماعیل جوادی، 31 ساله، روزنامه نگار,ابوالفضل

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Pleasant state

“Pleasant is Shiraz and its incomparable state!” Thus sings Hafez, the greatest Persian lyrical poet about his beloved hometown. The pictures in this album were

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The Ball

For decades these striped plastic balls have been kicked around by kids playing in the streets and alleys of Iranian cities and villages. Looking at

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