Barakateh Hussein

Barack Obama’s middle name is Hussein, the same last name as Saddam Hussein. Although Obama had some Islamic education around ages 6-10, he is Christian, a member of the United Church of Christ for over 20 years.

Interestingly, it has been recently revealed that Barack Obama is an 8th cousin of U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney.

There have been rumors spread by those in opposition to his campaign that Obama was “schooled in a madrassa” or was “sworn in on the Koran”. Both are untrue: His elementary school in Indonesia was a public school with a broad educational curriculum and he was sworn in on a family bible held by his wife. Obama’s Muslim father had his last contact with his family when Obama was two.’s_full_name_include_Saddam

So he has gone against his father’s religion which is Islam.

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