For the past couple of months, I have been fortunate to have the opportunity to blog on this web site. JJ (Jahanshah Javid), the Publisher, has been more than generous with me in featuring my work both in Blogs and Articles.
I believe that in these rather perilous Economic Times, all of us need much encouragement. Furthermore, I have also noticed that there is much healing that we all need as represented by the type of “Comments” that some people leave behind.
I have put together a total of thirty seven (37) Poems based on a theme of Encouragement and Healing. These Poems are Compiled into a “.pdf” (Acrobat) formatted file. If you are interested in getting it, please send me an e-mail through my blog at this site:
Finally, I would like to say a word of thanks to Jahanshah for making all of this possible. What he does could sometimes be a thankless job. Please let him know that we appreciate what he is doing.
Many Thanks Again 🙂