Gozaar: Letter from the Editor

By Sasan Ghahreman
Gozaar Editor

Dear Gozaar readers,

… I am excited to introduce Gozaar’s new format and functions to you. Responding to your comments and needs, Gozaar has abandoned its monthly journal structure, opting for a dynamic new format, better suited for the rapid exchange of ideas from readers and contributors from a diversity of places (both geographic and ideological).

During the past year and half, we have presented and exchanged ideas and words in hopes of broadening perspectives and understanding of human rights and democracy in Iran. Gozaar’s 17 monthly issues – with hundreds of articles, commentary pieces, art and literature reviews, debates, interviews, satires and cartoons, by writers, journalists, activists, rights defenders, issue experts and academics – exposed the enormous complexity of these issues, the diversity of ideas and perspectives on ways forward, and the immense work that has been and is being done to advance human rights and freedom in Iran. Moreover, by translating and publishing advocacy statements and open letters by Iranian activists, dissidents, and human rights defenders, Gozaar also raised awareness of human rights abuses in Iran and fosters international solidarity for Iranian civil society.

You will still be able to read Gozaar’s high-quality articles and analysis by leading thinkers and writers on human rights and democracy issues in Iran and statements by activists. Instead of monthly issues, however, we will post new articles, analysis, and other content to the website throughout the month. We will also be adding new functions and resources in hopes of satisfying your demand for more information on these crucial issues.

Our new discussion forum will allow you to share and discuss your reactions, experiences, frustrations, and ideas on issues raised in Gozaar and in your own lives. You can post anonymously or complete a simple registration to participate in a free, lively debate with others. With your help and guidance, special discussion groups will be added on topics of your choice, including women’s rights, youth issues and the student movement, and freedom of expression. I would like to invite all Gozaar readers and contributors to participate in the discussion forum to speak out on important or interesting issues to make it a respectful, lively, and democratic exchange.

In the coming year, Gozaar will seek to inform readers and foster debate on the experiences of other populations that have successfully developed a robust civil society in their countries; increased freedoms and rights for themselves, their fellow citizens, and their children; and established a government which reflects the values and aspirations of its people. Readers will be able to find important resources in Gozaar’s online library, including classics of democracy literature and philosophical foundations of human rights and freedom; international legal texts and documents; and manuals and tools for the effective defense of human rights, activism and civic education. We honor the important work that has been done by other organizations to collect and translate such materials and urge readers to share resources with us and to request that we provide or translate certain texts.

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