Help Cyrus the Great Project

Hollywood’s cinematic assault on Persian history in the movie ‘300’ offended many Iranians even before the movie had officially opened in theaters. But as in case of every attack on Persian identity like the National Geographic and Google’s mislabeling of the historical Persian Gulf, the outrage is often short-lived and sporadic without meaningful action to counter the ongoing Western propaganda to deride ancient Persia’s contribution to human civilization.

Filmmaker Cyrus Kar was captured by U.S. forces in Iraq on May 17, 2005 and jailed in solitary confinement for nearly two months while filming his documentary “In search of Cyrus the Great” the founder of the greatest and most just Empire the world had ever seen.

But despite his heroic efforts the documentary revealing that many of what is today considered as “western values” originated from ancient Persia remains unfinished due to lack of funds.

In an article in response to the movie ‘300’ Kar wrote: “History is no longer written by the victors, it is written by filmmakers. Perhaps movie ‘300’ was a necessary wake-up call for the Iranian/Persian community to support responsible filmmakers, who report history with honesty and integrity”.

Please help Cyrus finish this documentary by making a tax deductible donation to ‘Filmmakers Alliance’. You may do so by visiting Spenta Productions website or sending your checks to:

Spenta Productions

Attn: Cyrus Kar

P.O. Box 2682

Los Angeles, CA 90078

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