The homeland is finally free, the Mullahs are on the run, and the newly, democratically elected government of Iran is in power, and YOU, finally after many years in exile, are back in Iran, as a member of the parliament, and want to implement your liberal ideas of freedom and democracy, the way YOU see it, for your country. Legislations regarding the following have been brought to the floor, and YOU are considering a vote, for, or against these issues. Finally, voting your conscious and not the popular view of the day, you can show the world what you meant by “freedom” and” democracy” all these years. Which, if any, of the following conducts would you make illegal, and why: 1) Seeneh zanee, zanjeer zanee, and ghameh-zanee(religeous self-mutilations) 2) Publishing communist propaganda 3) Publishing Islamic fanatics propaganda 4) Consumption of opium 5) Topless bars 6) Publishing pro-Shah propaganda 7) Making and selling of alcoholic beverages to adults 8) Casinos 9) Homosexual behavior 10) Sexual contacts between unmarried consenting adults 11) Publishing Bahai propaganda 12) The teaching of Kurdish, Azari and other ethnic languages in private schools. 13) Prostitution 14) Publishing of Mohammad’s cartoons