Balance Of Energy – Beauty Of Life

As The Equilibrium Reached, Through energy ..
All Stretched Out, From The Center ..

The Physical Energy, Transferring Through The Body ..
Looking For Equilibrium, To Stabilize Everything ..

The Beauty Of The Moment, Emanating Through ..
Joy Of Living, Effervescing endlessly ..

Each Moment, The Beautiful Moment Of Creation ..
Each Breath, The Clinging To Life ..

The Glory Of Creation, All But Present ..
The Balance Of Nature, Exuding itself ..

Come My Friend, Take this Cup ..
Drink The Juice, Everlasting Joy ..

As Mollana Was Before, So Are We Today ..
Celebrating Life, Nothing More ..

Come My Friend, As If There Was No tomorrow ..
All Is Present, Future Is Now ..

As The Sun rises, The Beauty Of Its ray ..
The warmth, Everlasting Life ..

If You Were A Poet, At Loss For words ..
Come Fetch This Miracle, No Hesitating ..

Life Is ..
Life Will Be ..

All That Is ..
And ..

“All” ..
“That” ..

“Will” ..
“Be” ..

“Rejoice” ..

Copyright ©2008 Shae’r

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