Remembering My “Youth” – Reminiscing

One Tear, two Tears, Three Tears, Four ..
Remembering, My Childhood In Iran ..

The Wonderful Days Of Bliss, No Worries ..
The Casualness, All happiness ..

Every Step, Nothing But discovery ..
Total Love, Surrounded With Love ..

Raised, In the Great City Of Tehran ..
Much Bliss, Love Surrounding ..

Blessed with A Large family, All Loving ..
Raised Within Them, They Are My Identity ..

Every day Of The week, At Someone’s House ..
My Grandmother, Uncle, Or Aunt ..

Great Happiness, At Bahar-Now School In Tehran ..
Learned To Be A Man, At Alborz High school ..

Summers All wonderful, Noshahr or Khezershahr ..
No worries, Just Enjoyment Of Life ..

I Loved My family, Adored My family ..
I Was My Family, My Family Was Me ..

The Damn Revolution, changed Everything ..
We Were All fooled, It Changed Everything ..

As We Say In Farsi, We Came Out Of The Shallow “Chaleh” Of The Shah ..
And Fell Directly, In To The Deep “Chah” Of These Bastard Mullahs ..

May Every Single One Of These Mullahs ..
Be “Damned” ..

“To” ..
“Eternity” ..

My Brother ..
This Is Not ..

What We Expected ..
Of This ..

“Damn” ..
“Revolution” ..

All “Freedom” ..
“Gone” ..

All “Happiness” ..
“Evaporated” ..

“Darkness” ..
Fell Upon ..

Our “Beloved” ..
“Land” ..

May All Those ..
Who Brought This ..

Upon ..
Our “Land” ..

Be “Damned” ..
“To” ..

“Eternity” ..

My Brother ..
“Cheer” Up ..

Otherwise ..
I’ll ..

“Cry” ..

And “Cry” ..
“I” ..

“Will” ..

Copyright ©2008 Shae’r

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