Who is he?

I have been getting emails regarding ‘mortgage refinance’, ‘on-line advanced degrees’ and ‘penis enlargement’ for a while. Having no need for any of these offers(!), I usually delete them right away.

Today I received an email under the subject line “lahazaateh forupaashiye aakhooundhaa”. Naturally excited (no pun intended!), I opened the email. It turned out it is from the followers of a “Professor Ebrahim Mirzaie.”

The first time I heard his name was during the first presidential election of IRI. He was supposed to be a martial art instructor, with a sizable following. In his literature, he was clean cut, and came across almost as a Zen philosopher, not a politician. I saw as many graffiti on the walls, supporting him for President, as I saw for Madani, or Banisadr.

I believe he was either ruled unqualified by some panel, or he didn’t get enough votes. In the last 30 years, I never heard, or saw him anywhere.(Amazingly enough, in his picture, he looks exactly the way I saw his picture once, three decades ago!)

I checked out his website; graphically not too impressive, but it shouldn’t be taken into account when reading his message.

Check it out for yourself, and if you know anything about this gentleman, or have an opinion on him, by all means, share.


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