Lets face it, if the U.S. was a public corporation with stocks, its share price would have been at its historical low just about now. Isn’t George W. Bush the Chairman and CEO of the U.S.? He likes to keep referring to himself as the “commander in chief” but in reality someone who did not graduate from West Point, a man who has not seen any thing even resembling combat and a numb nut who has an MBA is a lot more like a CEO than a Commander!
Lets review some facts and see if we have a case. In Jan 2001 when G.W. was given the presidency by the U.S. Supreme Court, our country had its highest ever budget surplus. The dollar was very strong but not to point where exports were being hurt. Unemployment was less than 4%. My personal business was doing very well and so were the businesses of all my friends and associates. I hardly ever met anyone who complained about business.
In 2008, our national debt and budget deficit is bigger than its ever been. As a matter of fact, the total amount of $$$ that G.W. has pissed away in the past 7 years equals the GDP of plant earth (exluding the U.S.) x 4.
U.S. dollar’s exchange rate is 64% of the Euro. Japanese Yen, both Chinese currencies are now 12 and 15% stronger despite China’s attempt to devalue its own currency against the green back.
Granted many of G.W.’s friends are now a lot richer than they were 7 years ago. But what about the rest of us?
If G.W. was the CEO of XYZ corporation and had done to XYZ as he has done to the U.S., we could sue him. Couldnt we? For driving the stock price to nothing. For fraud (insider trading), for incompetance, for purgery, for for for.
So, I call upon you my Iranian-American bretheren and sisters. Join me as I file the first class action law suit against CEO G.W. Bush. I am thinking the best thing to do to this guy is to hit him and his clan where it hurts the most. In his bank account.
Thats my opinion. What is yours?