My dictionary defines “slut” as: A person, especially a woman, considered sexually promiscuous.
No matter the strict definition of the word, it’s my impression that sluts are supposed to be women who get laid more often than “we” feel they should (where, when, how and with whom are secondary to the fact that these lovely ladies are gettin’ some).
I’ve always wondered why being called a slut is so insulting. And it really is. It’s one of those words that you never want to be called in public. It’s more violent than a slap in the face.
If a woman regards slutiness as something terrible then it’s safe to assume she doesn’t engage in casual sex. So, if she’s referred to as a slut (or worse), it shouldn’t matter to her! After all, if someone calls me a frog or a hammer, I couldn’t care less because I know I’m neither a frog nor a hammer. Being falsely accused of having a reprehensible sexual conduct is not a joy ride. But should “slut” really have the power it does? Think about it, it’s such a terrible thing to be that in some places there are honor killings to straighten out this sort of behavior or accusation!
On the other hand, if a woman is a slut, then she shouldn’t be bothered being called something she is. Elliot Spitzer’s call girl is as a very brave soul. As far as I know, she never denied her slutiness. She didn’t even take her myspace pictures off! No matter her ulterior motives, she never rushed to get the pictures off line. So if one’s a slut, then one’s a slut! Vassalam nameh tamam. Imagine being called a human being. Well, if you are human, then who cares? Why would you feel insulted? Sure, sexual norms aren’t the same every where and many women want to live their slutiness in secret. But stil…
Most heterosexual men love sluts. Millions of married men worldwide wish their wives would be sluttier. Millions of men worldwide try to find the sluttiest girlfriend around. Yeah yeah, they don’t want to share their wives’ slutiness but I’m referring to what is craved in privacy.
Then there is the unquenchable thirst men have for pornography and prostitution. Pornographic movies and magazines are pretty much mainstream these days. Can you imagine a life without porn? Khoda oon roozo nayareh! And there’s no end in sight to the sad problem of prostitution. So the sex worker/pornographic sex Goddess, hardly a Virgin Mary, is in very high demand! She is considered the epitome of sluttiness, no? And men can’t get enough of her, no?
So why is it so insulting to be called a slut? A woman who isn’t one shouldn’t care if she is referred to as a slut. A woman who is a slut shouldn’t care if she is actually called what she is. And men love sluts. It should be a happy family.
My theory is that women don’t like being called sluts because WOMEN don’t like sluts! Men might be frightened or curious about female sexuality but women know what it is! We live with our sexual selves every day! Women know their power and they fear and despise the slut that could take their man away. A slut will distract a man! Women fear sluts and hate sluts.
Women are more complicated than what I have just introduced. We also play victim very well. If we’re called sluts, then we complain about men’s use of the term. Men understand the level of insult this brings to a woman. They’re not, unfortunately, stupid.
Slut is one of those words that has a lot more power than it should because women take such offense to it. If we look at the situation more rationally, we, women, can change this word. We can render it meaningless.
This may be the Ying and I realize that religion and other issues form the Yang. But I firmly believe that women are very powerful. We can change this word and we CAN change the world.
If any of you calls me a slut…I will ghahr you. Why would you say something so mean to me? I’ve always been sweet to you. Even when I’ve been mean. 🙂
Enjoy this ladies. Close the doors, no one will know if you’re a slut.