Grow up Mohammad Parvin!

Mr. Mohammad Parvin is seriously pathetic. I did the fatal mistake of signing up for his so called Human Rights organization’s mailinglist, hoping I would get updates on the human rights situation there and reasonable action items one can undertake to help improve it.

Instead, I am getting bombarded about Mr. Parvin and the Mujahedin terrorist organization’s one-sided vendetta with NIAC. (I am seriously suspicious of Parvin’s links to the Mujahedin terrorists – they always seem to be a bit too well-coordinated in their vendetta with NIAC).

It’s as if Mr. Parvin doesn’t care about human rights in Iran, because all he (and the MKO) seem to be focused on is what is NIAC doing and how can they sabotage NIAC’s efforts.

Apparently NIAC is hosting a conference on Capitol Hill on April 8 with Senator Dianne Feinstein. First a friend sends me a letter from the Mujahedin urging people to disrupt the event, and only hours later I get an alert from Mohammad Parvin with a petition against the event.


Grow up, Parvin! Focus on human rights in Iran and try to do something constructive for a change. You can’t base a successful organization on the idea of solely reacting to what NIAC is doing.

It seems like Iranians of Parvin’s generation do not have faith in their own ability to succeed on their own terms. Rather, their entire being is dedicated towards making others fail. How pathetic.

With “human rights” activists like these, no wonder Iran is in a mess.

Mr. Parvin, I – and I believe my entire generation born in the 1970s and later – cannot wait for you to retire.

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