polygamy sect in the land of free, home of brave

I am watching Larry King CNN interviewing FLDS female members residing in the state of Texas.while I have no sympathy for what they believe and practice, by watching these ladies and hearing their stories I can only feel there is being a campaign to crack down on FLDS in order to root them out and get rid of this sect once for good.

This is a rare interview with the members of this reclusive sect whom consider themselves Christians but being denounced by every other churches in US.The ladies are talking about how their children have been taken away from them by police and armed men(their word)and the women being taken to shelter. They have been offered two choices. 1-go back to the ranch2-go to a women shelter in either case they are not going to get their children back. They also sound and look happy with the way they were living their lives and practicing their religion.

the point that I m trying to make of course isnt to defend the sect but rather to note one fact here.Every nation and country have their own red line if you break that you will be punished.For century this sect has been practicing their religion now all of sudden for whatever reason they are being forced to stop.

Doubble standards are prevelent in almost every set of foriegn policies being conducted by every goverment in this world and being used to hold the other side guilty,accussing the other side of wrong doing cracking down on fredoom and social or political liberty.



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