My Friend, Nava…

I met Nava when I was in grade 12 …she was so sweet, calm, gentle, ….like spring breeze. we didn’t get that close but I was always watching her and asking my self WHY she is so different?She wasn’t like everybody else. There was something something about her?That made her so UNIQUE.

I remember she was very friendly and liked to share her snack with others but I noticed some accepted and thanked her and some gave her a LOOK and walked away…I noticed some classmate didn’t like to sit beside her and stayed away from her…I remember once she chanted Quran so beautifully and answered all questions in Talimate dini BUT our teacher got so mad at her and send her to principle’s office…I was like why? why they’re giving her such a hard time, and then I asked my close friend shirin, and she told me..Nava is a Baha’i…and I was smiling and said SO WHAT???Shirin said I Know!! But not every one else think this way…I was so mad at Nava that why she is so gentle with thoss who are so mean to her why she doesn’t talk back…she always always answering their questions in loving manner and follwed all the rules, and never once she said something unkind to others even in times of difficulties and troubles…

By the end of year we were getting ready for Konkor and studied hard…Nava was smart and always had good grades ,and to be honest with you better than me…time passed and we got our result…I was sure I would see her name in the newspapers…BUT NO…No NAVA—- I thought there must be some mistake ..I passed the exam, why not Nava…

I saw her once after that on my way back from university …As Usual she gave me her BIG HUG and said congratulations …I said Nava what about you? where are you? what you’re doing …she told me her story, she said in my application I said I ‘m a Baha’i and later I received a letter saying my application is not complete so I went to the office ( Ministry) and told them what is WRONG with my application…and they said YOU KNOW WHAT IS THE PROBLEM…leave or we call the security… We said goodbye and never saw each other again…I used be so angry at her who didn’t lie and simply could go to university and got a job like others..

It took me more than 10 yrs to understand that…Her strong faith…and why she did that…..Yes I have That GEM which she has and will not exchange it for any thing else in the world

Thank You My dear readers who spend your precious time to read my story..I wish I could see you again Nava to tell you my heart, my love, my prayers are with all you … You are My dear spiritual sisters and brothers in my beloved Iran…

To Brighter and Better future for my Fairest land Iran

With Loving Greetings,Mona 🙂


Mohhabat( Love within ) By Sonbol…Enjoy !



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