Attention News Junkies!

You can now recommend a news item on and start a discussion on your favorite topic. This is just a start and your feedback will help us improve:

How to post a news item:

* If you are a registered user, go to:

* SUPER TITLE: Write your own headline.
Example: rare books are a steal

* TITLE: Copy/paste original news headline.
Example: Iranian is quizzed on theft

* Link to Original Story URL: Copy/paste web address of the news item.

* EXCERPT: Copy/paste the most important part of the news item.
Example: An Iranian businessman has been arrested for allegedly stealing rare books and prints from the British Library. Farhad Hakimzadeh, 49, was escorted from his £350,000 flat in Knightsbridge, West London, and questioned by detectives at Camden police station.

* Short News Comment: Write initial comments about this news item.
Example: I had heard about this case a few months ago. I don’t know Hakimzadeh but his Iran Heritage Foundation in London has done so much quality cultural work in recent years. I just hope none of this is true. The news is very strange. I mean, how could someone simply walk away with so many valuable manuscripts and not expect to be caught? Unless you really really want to be caught. I would love to know what Hakimzadeh has said in his defense.

* Click on SUBMIT and your news item will appear on the news page and on the news column on the front page (if the editors select it as a featured news).

Give it a try and tell us what you think.

(Thanks Foaad for making this happen!)

Meet Iranian Singles

Iranian Singles

Recipient Of The Serena Shim Award

Serena Shim Award
Meet your Persian Love Today!
Meet your Persian Love Today!