
مبارزه در خارج

امروز هرايرانی خارج از کشور، بویژه انانی که خود را دموکرات و سکولار میدانند, باید کلاه خود را قاضی کندو از خود سئوال کند: تکلیف

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Illitterati and Obliterati

So, Sen. Hilary Clinton, in an interview with Good Morning America, used a word that even she realised is “terrible” after uttering it. She preceded

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Thank YOU, again

Video of my speech at the fundraiser (April 19, San Francisco) takenn by Talieh Shahrokhi. The ending here is different from my written speech

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Jaatoon khaali benefit dinner/concert at Nayeb (Luxor) Restaurant, South San Francisco, (Saturday, April 19). Photos by Taiieh Shahrokhi. Also see photos by Faranak Ravon. ! [Jahanshah

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