The recent violence across Lebanon started when Lebanon’s government was to take legal action against a private communication network established by Hezbollah in the country.
Hezbollah has escalated violence by seizing control of mostly Muslim west Beirut and routed rivals. The Lebanese army was left observing from the sidelines. The army is formed by, among others, many Shiite soldiers and officers close to Hezbollah. Armed militants in the streets can spark the violence.
Hezbollah, a proxy organisation of Iranian Mullahs, now pushes Lebanon into another civil war; a new regional war which reflects the IRI’s defiant policy to destabilise the region and to postpone any peaceful solution in the region.
Hezbollah was formed with financial backing from the IRI after the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982. It was organised to fight back Islam’s arch-enemy, Israel or “Zionism” and in the same time expand the “Islamic” revolution of Iran in the region. Its militias became training and military helps from the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC).
Hezbollah’s ideology is based on the Shiite Islam, specifically in the concept of absolute power of supreme leader or “Welayat-e-Faqih” put forth by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the supreme Leader of the IRI.
The armed group is also a political pole; Hezbollah is a mighty political party in Lebanon with a heavy weight in the cabinet, parliament, and power structure of the country.
Terror remains its principal method. According to Mr. Abbassi, an Iranian theorist of Islamist violence, their jihadi militants have been trained by him or the IRI’s special brigades for terror and suicide attacks. The militias are believed to be used by the IRI to repress Iranians inside or outside the country: a number of IRI’s outside assassinations have been written on their account.
A part from, Syria, traitor to the eyes of most Arab nations, Arab foreign ministers holding last week talks in Cairo, condemned Hezbollah for deadly clashes in Lebanon. However, six Arab countries, Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have failed to draw a draft resolution to force Hezbollah to withdraw from the streets. IRI’s only Arab friend, Syria apart, no Sunnite Arab country supports Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Lebanon with 40% Shiites is another arena of muscle-flexing for Mullahs’ whim to sow seeds of violence. This policy in Lebanon however brings more isolation and animosity of the region toward the IRI.
In this sense, a faction of IRI recently expressed worried about the situation in the region which may put in the danger the whole IRI. Khatami’s remarks represented this faction. He warned the hardliners not to export violence in the region. This reminder provoked such a hard reaction by the hardliners of the IRI that members of Iran’s parliament (Majlis) have made a formal complaint to the intelligence minister over Khatami’s remarks accusing him of “jeopardizing national security”.
Khatami, opportunistically, alleged that the Islamic republic’s founder, Ayatollah Khomeini, had not wanted to export the revolution by armed force–actually he is another Islamist liar: the most hideous crimes inside and outside the country were committed by Khomeini’s orders beginning with Khomeini’s announcement of the Ghods Day, dead fatwa for British writer, Salman Rushdie and etc.–Khatami’s remarks might have hinted the at IRI’s role in Lebanon.
After Iraq and Afghanistan, the IRI expands its devastating policy in the region. This is now a new defiance which may haste economic sanctions or military intervention on Iran.
Arab states of the Persian Gulf have repeatedly called for a peaceful solution between the IRI and the international community instead of economic sanctions or military strikes on Iran. IRI’s fermentation of Lebanese new civil war can change their position. This is the reason that “reformist” “outside” factions of the IRI rebuked their “inside” brothers.