“There’s no question John McCain is getting a free ride from the mainstream press. But with the power of YouTube and the blogosphere, we can provide an accurate portrayal of the so-called Maverick. We can put the brakes on his free ride!
The Real McCain 2.
Watch the video http://bravenewfilms.org/watch/22775739/39179
According to Cliff Schecter, author of The Real McCain: Why Conservatives Don’t Trust Him And Why Independents Shouldn’t:
“It is dangerous for a democracy when a presidential candidate can lie with impunity, change positions on a whim, and physically and verbally threaten others and virtually none of it is reported by a besotted media eagerly awaiting the next moment when he might slap their backs in friendship.”
The mainstream press may not do their job, but we can surely do ours. It is crucial that we alert the public to the REAL McCain, and it is crucial we act now, before it’s too late.”
Robert Greenwald,
and the Brave New Team
Please spread the word.