There is only one sort of Occupation and that of Israel on Arab Palestinians.So the Mullahs plan to build this huge Burning Pot in Jamkaran and dump 8 million Jews in it to cook. Once done they will populate the land in Israel with 10 Million Palestinians and declare the land “Islamic Republic of Palestine”.Then they will put Mullah Khamenei as their “Velayetol motlaghol Faghih”.Once complete, They will kill or exile 5 million Palestinians of different opposition groups such as Fath, Communist,Nationalist,Elitist & Secular palestinians who don,t want to Obey the Mullah. After a year or two they will force the rest of palestinians inside the land to convert to Shia ism through a democratic referendum in which the question is “Do You want to convert to Shia ism or burn in Hell on earth? Yes or No”.Once converted , The Mullahs Kill,Jail or force to exile another 3 million Sunni and Christian palestinians including the Temporary Secular ministers namely Abdollah Al bazarkhan & al Abol Bani sadrodin who refuse to convert.By then there are only 2 million shia Palestinians left in the Holy land of Velayat.
Once most of the Infidels are turned into real Basijii Shia the regime will enforce full Mullah laws of Hejab,ghesas,Moftkhory,Shalaagh,Taaziz,tabeeid,Taadib & Hodood. How ever the minority of 1/2 million who refuse and resist are sent to Al Eivan 207 prison to repent and rot.
By then the remaining 1.5 Million Palestinians are busy daily to find food rations or digging a hole in the ground on Egyptian,Jordanian and Syrian border to crawl and get the hell away from Mullah land.
So the Mullah,s solution is actualy to keep the number of Palestinian refugees outside Palestine Unchanged & at current level.
But The occupation by Khalifat regime over mavalis in Iran is not an Occupation but a kind & loving “Dog training”. You see ! as mullahs said before “You the Iranians were a bunch of Cows & Donkees before the Mullah,s glorious revolution”. We actualy owe them many thanks for educating us on humanity.