“You’re a Dick!”

Ode to the Iranian.com writer

Keyboard in one hand, a mirror in the other,
Iranian.com writer, searches for a brother,
incessantly posting about this or the other,
Seeking a lost twin, from another Mother,

Writer Oh Writer! The hidden commentors ask
Will not khejalat silence your self-appointed task?
Writer Oh Writer! The nameless critics proclaim
Have you no shame posting something so lame?

Undaunted, some hairless, and some hair gelled heroes,
Post undeterred, stubborn, some ones and some zeroes
For this is the internet! Connected light’s twine
I have lots of friends, except they’re only online!

No really, I’m popular! Just Google me and you’ll see
I’m search engine optimized and page ranked for free
By this online phenomenon that grows by the day
Like a sex virus spreading among straight and gay

Writer Oh Writer! The snipers pronounce
You’re wrong, and a fool, as they ambush and pounce
Writer Oh Writer! Take me on if you dare!
I’ll crush your weak logic and make fun of your hair!

But like the wind blowing a summer’s warm wind
The writer continues, a new yarn fresh-spinned
Some bullshit from childhood, or something fresh-canned
Spellcheck or grammar check all to be damned

You see the internet’s really a mirror to our souls
We don’t care if you think we are being assholes
It’s us and about us, and FAQ if you don’t get it
We actually don’t care if you love it or hate it

Writer Oh Writer! The pansie-ass-fuckfaces do bleat
But we so love to harass, and with you compete
Your writing sucks ass and now you make me sick
Oh Writer or Writer! I still say, You’re a Dick!

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