Did a Leftist Coup happened on Iranian.com

I guess Iranian.com has joined the elistist left on “anti Mccain & Republican LeftoPaganda”.

It would be cool If it wasn,t so in your face though. Even “Obama Land CNN” , in a panel of 4 , has 3 pro Obama,s and 1 pro Mccain…winkywinky. Remember Cambell O,brian,s Mona Lisa smiles @ Obama while in Debate!…As an Icing on the cake Here we got ,featured blogs glorifying Latin american leftist dictators all the way to Tabloid left driven Articles about “How the Geshtapo USA is planning to Obliterate our whole nation”.Some folks even have the picture of the Bush/Hitler lookalike which is pretty tasteless even to an American supporter of “Obama the fairy tale”

What do we have here? Lets see..uhhhm 7 outa 10 Featured blogs & articles are either Mccain bashing,Bush bashing,Republican bashing(& yes American bashing as always) and to top it off a few Pro “Obama the Saviour of the useful idiots”…I get it that there are quite a few Intelligent,sensible supporters of “Obama, the Carter,s protoge” here but my take is that the Articles published usualy belong to “Pro Obama Ali asghars from the land of Mullahs” who just like their mentors Attack Mr Mccain & Bush (Americans in general) with such boundless volgarity,abuse & misinformation which leaves the reader to double check if he is accidently in Tehran and reading “Resalat” or “Shariatmadari Kayhan”. Funny thing I see these practicaly daily essays on how “Republicans & Hillary,s” plan to attack Iran”. Folks “Republicans & Hillary” don,t have an Army or an airforce or a Navy….Their only weapons are their kinda heavy sets and Chubby Butts .And yes, if they drop themselves on Iran They might Obliterate it. Other than that it,s all leftist,Mullah propaganda. I wish I could see an Essay by one of these doctorates asking President Ahmadi Nejad to stop monkeying around.Just Once, Pretty please!

I don,t know and don,t care to know which candidates the managment of this site (JJ) supports but a bit of ballance would go a long way in building a credible dialogue between pros and cons of Mr “Obama, detached from reality leftocentric”….

I personaly will vote for Mr(Obama, Imam Hussein Obama ) if He was running for my neighborhood library position & that,s about it.don,t get me wrong I think he is a good man and if I needed a human rights lawyer to defend me , I would definitly choose him but as for “President ” ?, Only when donkies fly.!!!

And btw JJ ! If I marry a Muslim sunni on your Muslim dating and convert , Am I not “Mortad”…Are you trying to get me hanged!!!Cheers!!

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