Don’t be scared

In response to Mehrnaz Shahabi’s excellent article “Alarm Bells” maybe the following facts should be kept in mind:

Iran will not be attacked because Iran’s retaliation would trigger an out of control escalation which would require nuclear weapons to put an end to. Also, the rapid cycle of retaliations would most likely force Russia’s hand. Only recently Putin said, “An attack on Iran would be an attack on Russia.”

The central reason Iran would be attacked would be to gain control of its oil and gas and attempting to achieve this through military means is close to impossible and would be too disruptive to the oil dependent world economy.

Making a big deal of Iran’s nuclear program is just fear-mongering and part of war marketing being conducted by the remaining neocon war criminals.

Constant crying wolf has only strengthened the regime in Iran and forced those attempting to work for change in Iran into silence so as not be labeled as collaborators.

The sooner Iranians learn how to implement true democracy the sooner Iran will be out of danger of being attacked by anybody.

The seeds of democracy in Iran are being planted in how apartment buildings are being managed through elected board of directors. This needs to extend to the election of judges, mayors, police chiefs, governors, and local educational authorities.

To implement democracy properly it is necessary to know how to conduct a meeting and the best guidance for this is Robert’s Rules of Order. Maybe somebody with good Persian-English skills can take the trouble to translate this important information and post it on

Who knows, maybe all that is required to bring about change in Iran is to learn how to conduct a meeting in a fair and civilized manner — and without anybody sitting at the head of the table and pretending to be God’s representative.

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